Grasshopper Glacier: Characterization of a vanishing biological resource

TitleGrasshopper Glacier: Characterization of a vanishing biological resource
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1990
AuthorsLockwood JA, Nunamaker RA, Pfadt RE, Debrey LD
JournalAmerican Entomologist

NATURALLY PRESERVED ANIMALS and plants are of tremendous scientific value. Specimens preserved in ice, amber, or tar and fossilized by various means allow study of organisms and processes that no longer exist. Historically, a great deal of work has focused on fossilized specimens, and such studies have revealed much about prehistoric climatic conditions, life forms, evolutionary trends, and other changes that have occurred with geological time. However, perhaps because of the relative inaccessibility and rarity of organisms preserved in ice, glacial deposits have received little attention.